Thursday, December 26, 2013

A compilation, Part I

Salaam, all.

A year almost over, and a brand new year will start in just few days. Ups and downs, mixed. So, for starters - a compilation of all the positive things happened in 2013. And, to start with...drum rolls - beauty pageant! It is really a beautiful year in which I had the chance and opportunity to work with some new and fresh faces in beauty pageant lines. Although some of them were just a small scale events (unlike the Miss Universe/Miss World), doesn't matter. A once in life time opportunity - not to be missed! Certainly, it has opened another creative platforms for my personal growth. The attended events served as a perfect platform to connect with some beautiful and positive auras, all moving towards one common goal - positive networking and collaborations. The numbers there allowed for a good personal connection with many, and vice versa, and was small enough for everyone to feel a glimpse of everyone's essence of who they were. There was a wonderful mixture of learning and laughter, in equal measures - be it modern beauty pageant or the traditional oriented ones. Chinese, Indian, Eurasian, East Malaysian Bumiputra, and others - they are all lovely and possess queenly aura. Not all beauty pageant are solely meant for fabs and glams. Recognition, personal development, communication skills, confidence and handling the stress, pressure and disappointments in life  - all these are the benefits you’ll take with you from doing pageants. So, look at the positive and bright side ya! Well done to all the team/founder/talented fashion designers/skilled photographers/professional stylist and make-up artist/sponsors/Government support/friends who made it special. All of us (especially for a newbie like me/green horn) benefited so much from the whole experience. Of course there were issues here and there, but there is always room for improvement, right? With that being said, I am very excited about the coming 2014. And, with the help and support from Persatuan Kebudayaan dan Warisan Sabah's working committees (and potential partners/collaborations) we are going to bring the Association's brand to achieve another level, another platform. Much Fondness, Love and Light! P/S: The new year will be like the old one if you keep on doing the same old things, unless you improvise it. Gitu! (-: 

Much love.

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